First of all, those finishes I promised in my last update! I made two small X-mass ornies. Both are made on 16 count Aïda. They're mostly try-outs as I never made any before. Don't know if I'm entirely happy with them...

I also made the same snow-man motief on a smaller count (18) Aïda, for a X-mass card, and made a card for my best friend who just bought a house.
Just as last year, the neighbourhood had a small hobby-expostion during the anual festivities. I had my own stand again this year. As you might guess, the Monopoly was a huge succes :-) My mother also had a stand this year.

and last but not least: since we were expected to stay at the exposition and do some work, I took a smaller piece with me (the Egypt is just to big to take to such places): Tiggers Chick