Hi folks,
been quite a while, but with good reason. The last weeks of my pregnancy were filled with preps for the baby's arrival. At the night of the full moon (Jelena was born on the day of the full moon I heard afterwards), which was saturday september 30th, I got contractions, after a couple of hours they seemed to stop. All morning long, I got a contraction now and day (quite painful), but they never got as close to each other as they needed to be. In the afternoon they picked up again, I decided to walk from my parents house to my house, to do some things (make chocolate mousse, to eat after the delivery ;)), made pancakes for Jelena, and then walked back to my parents to pick Jelena up (she was taking her nap there). Still had contractions... they even seemed to get closer, got some of them every 7 minutes, which was the time they needed to be to get to the hospital, unfortunately, they spaced out again. Got home, went for a walk with Jelena ..., after putting her to bed, took a hot bath, still had contractions, went to bed - couldn't sleep because of the contractions (second night with no sleep), they kept coming every 10-15 minutes, not the 7 minutes they needed to be. Around 1h30 in the night (october first), my water broke, contractions came a lot faster then - called in the grandparents to babysit. Arrived at the hospital (did not get offered a wheelchair to get to the maternity-ward, and walking that distance with contractions was not easy!), got my 'labour-room', and was put on the monitor at 2u17 in the morning. Apparantly, those contractions weren't coming as they should, but they did do all the work, the doctor was called in for emergency delivery - Janina was born at 2h46! she got the following measurments: 49 cm and 3kg430.
After 2 days at the hospital (here in Belgium we can stay 5 days), I went home. I got almost no sleep at the hospital, but for the rest I felt awesome. My blood-pressure is not normalised yet, hopefully this will fix itself soon.
Janina is doing great, she's gaining weight and growing as she should on mommy's milk. She does have lots and lots of cramps :( Jelena had those too, so I did expect it, it's hard to get much done in the house becaus of it, since I'm carrying her around mostly.
The big sister is also doing great, she's 'helping' caarying Janina, she's holding her hand, ... off course, now and then there's a small jalousy bug, nothing unexpected. Jelena is really growing up now, it's amazing, those last few weeks, she's started to remember the text of some childrens songs, she sings them while in bed, or playing. She's really making sentences now, she understands so much, she want's to do everything herself and doesn't want to understand she's sometimes still too small to do it and she needs help, with frustration as the result. And the tantrums... terrible two's! And then she looks at you, with that cheeky smile, those eyes bright with misschief :)
Stitching-wise, I made some more 'congrats with your new baby' cards, but nothing else. No time to get any stitches in right now.
Thanks for taking the time to read this
woensdag 24 oktober 2012
zaterdag 25 augustus 2012
Give-away winner announcement and a finish!
There were 5 people who expressed their interested in the give-away and the winner is:
Last time, I showed you a new start, this time I'm able to show you it's finish.
I had actually hoped to have some more stitches in, as we were on vacation the last weeks (more babysitters, to look after Jelena), but daughter-darling didn't agree with that :) It's a compliment for mummy, right? :)
In some other news, we went to another amusement-park a couple of weeks ago (Plopsaland De Panne), Jelena had so much fun, for mummy the waiting-lines were a bit less fun, but all in all, it was okay. I'll try to put up some pics next time. Yesterday, she also rode the tricycle all by herself for the first time! She's so proud riding her bike :)
My parents also celebrated their wedding-anniversary, so that meant cake-time. I made cupcakes so they could treat their bowling-club (was a surprise) and a cake for them
And now I can finally start on the baby-preps! No time to lose anymore, because it's really getting close...
Next update I'll try to put up some pics of our day at Plopsaland and some of our vacation-pics.
Thanks for visiting!
Last time, I showed you a new start, this time I'm able to show you it's finish.
I had actually hoped to have some more stitches in, as we were on vacation the last weeks (more babysitters, to look after Jelena), but daughter-darling didn't agree with that :) It's a compliment for mummy, right? :)
In some other news, we went to another amusement-park a couple of weeks ago (Plopsaland De Panne), Jelena had so much fun, for mummy the waiting-lines were a bit less fun, but all in all, it was okay. I'll try to put up some pics next time. Yesterday, she also rode the tricycle all by herself for the first time! She's so proud riding her bike :)
My parents also celebrated their wedding-anniversary, so that meant cake-time. I made cupcakes so they could treat their bowling-club (was a surprise) and a cake for them
And now I can finally start on the baby-preps! No time to lose anymore, because it's really getting close...
Next update I'll try to put up some pics of our day at Plopsaland and some of our vacation-pics.
zondag 29 juli 2012
A finish, a start and a give-away
I finally finished the snow-globe SAL, so here's part 8
I'm really happy this one is finished, although it was fun to stitch, the globe was constantly almost the same, and I don't like stitching the same thing over and over again so shortly after one another. Now to find the time to really finish these globes...
With this finish, I have almost completed my goals for 2012 (admitted, it was a really short list...)
A finish also means a new start! And now, not one of my list of goals (I'm making it more difficult for myself...), and one I hope to finish in a short time. Not that easy with a two year old in the house, but I will try!
Here's my new start, I'm sure you'll figure the theme out for yourselfs ;)
As promised in the last post, I'm doing a give-away for my 100th post on blogger!
I'm giving away two magazines Borduurblad nr 7 and nr 14, a DMC-kit, and some small kits. This to one lucky participant. Just leave a comment you'd like to be included in the give-away. Sharing on your blog is not necessary, being a follower is not necessary (though both are nice ;)) When I reach 100 followers, another give-away will follow.
you have time until august 21th.
when I was a teenager, I had a little dog. So did my sister and brother. As we all lived at my parents, it seemed like we just had 3 dogs. I moved out of the house, taking my little Princesje with me, but she still went to my parents during the day, when I was at work, it still seemed like 'we' just all had 3 dogs together. Princesje passed away last year at age 14 and 2 months, Pralientje passed away march 1st at age 16years and 11 months, and we lost 'our' last dog, at age 14 and 1 month just a couple of weeks ago.
My brother got a new puppy in the house, Poppie! Jelena just adores this little one, and it's obviously returned.
What else have I been doing... mostly baby-preparations: clearing out the
We visited an amusement park (Efteling) in the Netherlands. Although Jelena is still a little small to really understand it all, she did have some fun.
I also had some news from the work-front, the department where I work is going to be reorganised, so fun to have these changes happen while I'm in sick leave... :( It does bring some extra stress I did not need.
zaterdag 30 juni 2012
Whee, this is my 100th post on Blogger, so this will call for a give-away! I've had a lot on my mind lately, so haven't been able to get it organised yet, so just stay tuned...
And this little one turned 2
the presents...
THE birthday cake
blowing out the candle
some mini-cakes
Stitchy finishes
I finished the Box for Meari's class (see earlier posts) and finished part 7 of the snow globe SAL, yay me :) Stitching goes really slow, since there is a lot to do for the new arrival, and not that much time. I need to rest enough, and the days that Jelena is home (she only goes 2 days a week to daycare), there's not much opportunity for stitching ;)
Almost forgot, there were some other opportunities for baking ;) We had father's day and I saw this as a good day to ask the godparents of the baby, I wrote the question on a cookie - due to circumstances the godmother didn't get asked though (complicated business...). Jelena helped with making the cookies ;)

getting big!
Pregnancy is also going well so far, keeping fingers crossed off course! Thanks everyone whose also keeping fingers crossed, I'm sure all the positive vibes help :)
thank you for visiting my blog!
And this little one turned 2

Stitchy finishes
I finished the Box for Meari's class (see earlier posts) and finished part 7 of the snow globe SAL, yay me :) Stitching goes really slow, since there is a lot to do for the new arrival, and not that much time. I need to rest enough, and the days that Jelena is home (she only goes 2 days a week to daycare), there's not much opportunity for stitching ;)
Almost forgot, there were some other opportunities for baking ;) We had father's day and I saw this as a good day to ask the godparents of the baby, I wrote the question on a cookie - due to circumstances the godmother didn't get asked though (complicated business...). Jelena helped with making the cookies ;)

Pregnancy is also going well so far, keeping fingers crossed off course! Thanks everyone whose also keeping fingers crossed, I'm sure all the positive vibes help :)
dinsdag 29 mei 2012
Inca and Maya cultures finished!
I finally finished my WIP Inca and Maya Cultures. This was Lanarte kit, 43x 37 cm.
I forgot about a tiny finish last blog update: I made a cart for the occassion of the birth of my best friend's child. Since I didn't know the gender, I made a blue and a pink one. Forgot to take a pic of the one I used (forgetting things seem to be quite common lately!)
And the almost big sister, is also almost two years old! She wanted to take a step in mom's shoes :)
she also got her first ice cream cone since the weather is so hot, she didn't quite know what to do with it, and didn't end up eating any of it. Oh well...
Thanks everyone for the congrats on the pregnancy, everything is going well so far (positive fibes to keep things that way are appreciated though!), I feel the baby kick every day since I'm 16 weeks along :). I'm having a check-up for the blood-pressure soon, fingers crossed everything stays well.

EDIT: almost forgot, here's a pic of the cake I made for mother's day ( a biscuit with strawberry filling, creme freche on top, and roses made of rolfondant) and a pic of the gifts I got
Thank you for visiting my blog! Comments are always loved and appreciated.
I forgot about a tiny finish last blog update: I made a cart for the occassion of the birth of my best friend's child. Since I didn't know the gender, I made a blue and a pink one. Forgot to take a pic of the one I used (forgetting things seem to be quite common lately!)
And the almost big sister, is also almost two years old! She wanted to take a step in mom's shoes :)
she also got her first ice cream cone since the weather is so hot, she didn't quite know what to do with it, and didn't end up eating any of it. Oh well...
Thanks everyone for the congrats on the pregnancy, everything is going well so far (positive fibes to keep things that way are appreciated though!), I feel the baby kick every day since I'm 16 weeks along :). I'm having a check-up for the blood-pressure soon, fingers crossed everything stays well.

EDIT: almost forgot, here's a pic of the cake I made for mother's day ( a biscuit with strawberry filling, creme freche on top, and roses made of rolfondant) and a pic of the gifts I got
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