And this little one turned 2

Stitchy finishes
I finished the Box for Meari's class (see earlier posts) and finished part 7 of the snow globe SAL, yay me :) Stitching goes really slow, since there is a lot to do for the new arrival, and not that much time. I need to rest enough, and the days that Jelena is home (she only goes 2 days a week to daycare), there's not much opportunity for stitching ;)
Almost forgot, there were some other opportunities for baking ;) We had father's day and I saw this as a good day to ask the godparents of the baby, I wrote the question on a cookie - due to circumstances the godmother didn't get asked though (complicated business...). Jelena helped with making the cookies ;)

Pregnancy is also going well so far, keeping fingers crossed off course! Thanks everyone whose also keeping fingers crossed, I'm sure all the positive vibes help :)
11 opmerkingen:
Congrats on the finishes, impressed that you find the time at all what with a little one and another on the way.
Congrats on your finishes!
Jelena is two already... Wow, time has flown. :) Looks like she had a lot of fun on her birthday.
Looks like your daughter had a wonderful birthday Katrien. Time has flown so quick!
Your box is lovely and I love the penguin.
Thank you for sharing.
I love the box and your snowglobe is wonderful. Glad to hear your pregnancy is going well.
2 already? Looks like a very cute cake! Glad to hear everything is going well with this pregnancy!
I just love that penguin he's so cute. Try and get as much rest as you can.
Fabulous finishes! Looks like the birthday was a great deal of fun.
Grats on the finishes, and I'm so glad the pregnancy is going well for you, Katrien. The box is adorable. And Jelena is too!!! Great pics of her turning two!!
Great finishes. Your daughter looks like she had a lot of fun on her birthday.
TAG! You're it!
The box is adorable!
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