2012 is already 19 days old, so it’s more than time to look forward, but also look back to 2011 for one more time.
Stitching-wise I didn’t get much done in 2011. My little darling (my pride and joy), takes up most of my time and energy. What I did finishes can be found
Goals for 2012? I don’t have many of those, as stitching-time is still very limited, here is what I do hope to get done:
Finish the snow-globe SAL, organized by the CSL-group (still 4,5 globes to go)
Finish Lanarte Cultures
Start (and finish?) Jelena’s Christmas sock
Small Christmas-ornaments
Lanarte Inca and Maya culturesAs you can see, not really ambitious, but even this might be too much, we’ll see. And of course, try not to expand the stash too much ;-)
2011 was also the year I saw the ER on the inside (luckily it wasn’t that bad: 3 stitches and some nice color in my face – and the blue/green/yellow finally disappeared after about 3 weeks), and the year I lost Princesje, she is still missed dearly.

On personnel level I have one big hope for 2012 – one I actually already had in 2011 but that didn’t get realized, so fingers crossed for the next weeks. Other than that, I want to spend quality time with my daughter, watch her development, and just love her. I also hope for good times with friends and family, no more falling :), and get some of that clutter out of my house (look of shame).