And this little one turned 2

Stitchy finishes
I finished the Box for Meari's class (see earlier posts) and finished part 7 of the snow globe SAL, yay me :) Stitching goes really slow, since there is a lot to do for the new arrival, and not that much time. I need to rest enough, and the days that Jelena is home (she only goes 2 days a week to daycare), there's not much opportunity for stitching ;)
Almost forgot, there were some other opportunities for baking ;) We had father's day and I saw this as a good day to ask the godparents of the baby, I wrote the question on a cookie - due to circumstances the godmother didn't get asked though (complicated business...). Jelena helped with making the cookies ;)

Pregnancy is also going well so far, keeping fingers crossed off course! Thanks everyone whose also keeping fingers crossed, I'm sure all the positive vibes help :)