Someone asked me if I was going to make a baby afghan, that made me think about it :-) I'm in doubt if I have enough skill to make a beautifull afghan, but the question certainly made me interested in them! Unfortunately, it's not something I can find in my LNS, so it would mean some overseas shopping. I've been looking at 123stitch, and would prefer a kit, so I'm sure I have all the right things. But which to chose?; which ones do you like the most?
1 Snoozy Day
2 Pooh with bees
3 Eeyore
4 Sleepy Bunnies
5 Sweet Animal
6 B is for Baby
7 I have another idea...
For those following my pregnancy, I'm still and the meds to stop contractions, hopefully I'll know more soon, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed - praying - hoping that baby stays put where it is for a week or 4-5 more :) If you want to take a guess as to the babies gender (if you already know, please don't tell), there's a poll in the sidebar