Stitchy updateI was working on Egypt, as previously said, hoping to have it finished before baby came, and I was becoming sooooo close. (un?)fortunately baby decided to come about a day to soon to have it done. But here's a pic of the last part I was working on:
So the big newsOn the 27th of june (just a few days after my last check-up in which there were absolutely NO signs labour was going to start in the next days), my water broke at 3.45 AM. So off to the hospital I went. I had before hoped to have an underwater delivery, but the new hospital forgot about the waterpipes for the bath, so no underwater delivery was possible. I did want to do everything without any pain-meds, and once again, it wasn't possible. At 12.30 the doctor came in and decided for me I would need an epidurale, because the labour wasn't going as needed, and they were going to stimulate it. At 18.30 hours, my daughter was born (with a lot of pushing on my belly by the mid-wife, OUCH!). Call me crazy (every one does), but I had so hoped she would wait until it was July to be born :(
She measures 50 centimeters (19,68 inches??), and 3540 grams (7,80 pounds??), she recieved the name Jelena.
Here's the cutie at 4 hours old
and yesterday