Just a small stitchy update. I made a birthday card for someone who could use a little cheering up. At the moment I (or someone else) seem to have misplaced the pattern for the baby-afghan, all 'find-lost-item'-vibes are welcome ;-)
In between these updates, I've taken a little trip to Lourdes. It was Jelena's first big trip. We went by car, she was such a good girl!

She's really changing these last few weeks, she can now really crawl on hands and knees, althoug the other way goes faster at this moment, so she still prefers that. She's also trying to stand, and pulls herself straight on anything she can.

Last wednesday, she turned 10 months.

And here's the result of my Easter-baking. The writing on it was done with white chocolate. The result was really yummy! :)

the glacing wasn't dry yet, on the pic.
And lastly, thank you everyone who has been commenting on my blog, I appreciate them all! And welcome to the new follower(s)! :-)